Results for 'C. S. Todd'

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  1. Fiction and the weave of life * by John Gibson.C. S. Todd - 2009 - Analysis 69 (3):594-596.
    The cognitivist/non-cognitivist debate about the nature and value of literary fiction has witnessed a lot of spilled ink amongst philosophers over the past decade. Gibson characterizes this debate as a conflict between two apparently incompatible intuitions: the ‘humanist’ intuition that works of literary fiction have some sort of cognitive value in telling us about the world, and the ‘sceptical’ anti-humanist intuition that such works, and their proper appreciation, are not essentially concerned with the notions of truth and knowledge. The vast (...)
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    Past glories feel good but creative minorities push us forward.James C. Kaufman, Todd B. Kashdan & Patrick E. McKnight - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e183.
    Historical narratives can satisfy basic individual psychological needs. However, an over-reliance on a group's past can marginalize those who think differently – thus, homogenizing the culture and stifling creativity. By revising narratives to balance the power of collective narratives with the richness of individuality, we foster groups that encourage varied identities.
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    Exactly how are fluid intelligence, working memory, and executive function related? Cognitive neuroscience approaches to investigating the mechanisms of fluid cognition.Gregory C. Burgess, Todd S. Braver & Jeremy R. Gray - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (2):128-129.
    Blair proposes that fluid intelligence, working memory, and executive function form a unitary construct: fluid cognition. Recently, our group has utilized a combined correlational–experimental cognitive neuroscience approach, which we argue is beneficial for investigating relationships among these individual differences in terms of neural mechanisms underlying them. Our data do not completely support Blair's strong position. (Published Online April 5 2006).
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    Individual factors predicted to influence outcome in group CBT for psychosis and related therapies.Mahesh Menon, Devon R. Andersen, Lena C. Quilty & Todd S. Woodward - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    From Low‐Lying Roofs to Towering Spires: Toward a Heideggerian understanding of learning environments.Todd C. Ream & Tyler W. Ream - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (4):585–597.
    This article explores the significance that environments play in terms of the learning process. In the United States, the legacy of John Dewey's intellectual efforts left a theoretical understanding that views the architectural composition of learning environments as instrumental mediums which house the educational process. This understanding of learning environments is precipitated by a separation of human agents as subjects and their environments as objects. By contrast, Martin Heidegger's theory of ontology, and its reconfiguration of the subject and object relationship, (...)
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    Civilization and its Discontents.Todd Dufresne & Gregory C. Richter (eds.) - 2015 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    In _Civilization and Its Discontents_ Freud extends and clarifies his analysis of religion; analyzes human unhappiness in contemporary civilization; ratifies the critical importance of the death drive theory; and contemplates the significance of guilt and conscience in everyday life. The result is Freud’s most expansive work, one wherein he discusses mysticism, love, interpretation, narcissism, religion, happiness, technology, beauty, justice, work, the origin of civilization, phylogenetic development, Christianity, the Devil, communism, the sense of guilt, remorse, and ethics. A classic, important, accessible (...)
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    Beyond the Pleasure Principle.Todd Dufresne & Gregory C. Richter (eds.) - 2011 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    _Beyond the Pleasure Principle_ is Freud’s most philosophical and speculative work, exploring profound questions of life and death, pleasure and pain. In it Freud introduces the fundamental concepts of the “repetition compulsion” and the “death drive,” according to which a perverse, repetitive, self-destructive impulse opposes and even trumps the creative drive, or Eros. The work is one of Freud’s most intensely debated, and raises important questions that have been discussed by philosophers and psychoanalysts since its first publication in 1920. The (...)
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    The Future of an Illusion.Todd Dufresne & Gregory C. Richter (eds.) - 2012 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, declared that religion is a universal obsessional neurosis in his famous work of 1927, _The Future of an Illusion_. This work provoked immediate controversy and has continued to be an important reference for anyone interested in the intersection of philosophy, psychology, religion, and culture. Included in this volume is Oskar Pfister’s critical engagement with Freud’s views on religion. Pfister, a Swiss pastor and lay analyst, defends mature religion from Freud’s “scientism.” Freud’s and Pfister’s texts (...)
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    Does God Exist?: A Dialogue on the Proofs for God’s Existence.Todd C. Moody - 2013 - Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company.
    In this engaging introductory dialogue, Todd Moody maps the spectrum of philosophical arguments and counterarguments for the existence of God. Structuring colloquial conversations along classical lines, he presents a lively and accessible discussion of issues that are central to both theist and atheist thinking, including the burden of proof, the first cause, a necessary being, the natural order, suffering, miracles, experience as knowledge, and rationality without proof. The second edition is a significant and comprehensive revision. Moody broadens and deepens (...)
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    Discomfort and avoidance of touch: new insights on the emotional deficits of social anxiety.Todd B. Kashdan, James Doorley, Melissa C. Stiksma & Matthew J. Hertenstein - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (8):1638-1646.
    Physical touch is central to the emotional intimacy that separates romantic relationships from other social contexts. In this study of 256 adults, we examined whether individual differences in social anxiety influenced comfort with and avoidance of physical touch. Because of prior work on sex difference in touch use, touch comfort, and social anxiety symptoms and impairment, we explored sex-specific findings. We found evidence that women with greater social anxiety were less comfortable with touch and more avoidant of touch in same-sex (...)
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  11.  56
    Pragmatism and the unlikely influence of German idealism on the academy in the united states.Todd C. Ream - 2007 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (2):150–167.
    In this article I argue that the subject‐object distinction, operative in Continental Europe during the late‐1700s and early‐1800s, led to the religion‐secular distinction in higher education in the United States.Many scholars believe the origins of the shifting nature of the religion‐secular distinction resided with some form of influence that students from the United States encountered while they pursued advanced academic work in Germany. These scholars studied this influence at an institutional or organizational level. An intellectual approach to history would assess (...)
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    Atomic Theory and Multiple Combining Proportions: The Search for Whole Number Ratios: Essay in Honour of Alan J. Rocke.Todd A. Brown & Melvyn C. Usselman - 2015 - Annals of Science 72 (2):153-169.
    SummaryJohn Dalton's atomic theory, with its postulate of compound formation through atom-to-atom combination, brought a new perspective to weight relationships in chemical reactions. A presumed one-to-one combination of atoms A and B to form a simple compound AB allowed Dalton to construct his first table of relative atomic weights from literature analyses of appropriate binary compounds. For such simple binary compounds, the atomic theory had little advantages over affinity theory as an explanation of fixed proportions by weight. For ternary compounds (...)
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  13. An Inquiry into Nature and Causes of the Weatlh of Nations, 2 vol., coll. « The Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith ». coll. « The Glasgow Edit... ». [REVIEW]Adam Smith, R. H. Campbell, A. S. Kinner, V. B. Todd, E. C. Mossner & I. S. Ross - 1979 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 169 (2):235-236.
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    The Shape of Athenian Law.S. C. Todd - 1995 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Unlike its predecessors, this systematic survey of the law of Athens is based on explicit discussion of how the subject might be studies, incorporating topics such as the democratic political system and social structure. Technical and legal terms are explained in a comprehensive glossary.
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  15. Attention in Split-Brain Patients.Todd C. Handy & Michael S. Gazzaniga - 2005 - In Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees & John K. Tsotsos, Neurobiology of Attention. Academic Press.
  16. Law in Society.S. C. Todd - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (02):319-.
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    Review. Greek law. The justice of the Greeks. R Sealey.S. C. Todd - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (2):291-292.
  18. The language of law in classical Athens.S. C. Todd - 2000 - In Peter R. Coss, The moral world of the law. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 17--36.
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  19.  41
    Jean-Pierre Torrell and Benedict M. Guevin: Aquinas’s Summa. [REVIEW]Todd C. Ream & Thomas W. Seat Ii - 2007 - Faith and Philosophy 24 (4):486-489.
  20. C. S. Lewis' Argument from Nostalgia: A New Argument from Desire.Todd Buras & Michael Cantrell - 2018 - In Jerry L. Walls Trent Dougherty, Two Dozen (or so) Arguments for God: The Plantinga Project. New York, New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 356-371.
    This chapter shows that in certain circumstances desires are a guide to possibility, and that, in these circumstances, human beings desire at least one state of affairs for which the existence of God is a necessary condition. It follows that God’s existence is possible; or, more modestly, anyone with the relevant desires has a reason to believe God’s existence is possible. Thus, a new argument in the tradition of C.S. Lewis’s argument from nostalgia is offered, an argument from certain desires (...)
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  21.  54
    Are beliefs the proper targets of adaptationist analyses?James R. Liddle, Todd K. Shackelford, Ryan T. McKay & Daniel C. Dennett - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (6):528-528.
    McKay & Dennett's (M&D's) description of beliefs, and misbeliefs in particular, is a commendable contribution to the literature; but we argue that referring to beliefs as adaptive or maladaptive can cause conceptual confusion. “Adaptive” is inconsistently defined in the article, which adds to confusion and renders it difficult to evaluate the claims, particularly the possibility of “adaptive misbelief.”.
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  22.  22
    Andrew of Caesarea's Commentary on the Apocalypse. Translated by Eugenia Scarvelis Constantinou. Pp. xiv, 270, Washington, DC, The Catholic University of American Press, £34.50/$39.95. Guiding to a Blessed End: Andrew of Caesarea and His Apocalypse Commentary in the Ancient Church. By Eugenia Scarvelis Constantinou. Pp. xv, 350, Washington, DC, The Catholic University of American, Press, £62.95/$69.95. [REVIEW]Todd C. Ream - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (2):332-334.
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    Agency Theory: The Dilemma of Thomas C. Upham.Todd L. Adams - 1992 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 28 (3):547 - 568.
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    The Intellectuals and the Flag.Todd Gitlin - 2005 - Columbia University Press.
    "The tragedy of the left is that, having achieved an unprecedented victory in helping stop an appalling war, it then proceeded to commit suicide." So writes Todd Gitlin about the aftermath of the Vietnam War in this collection of writings that calls upon intellectuals on the left to once again engage American public life and resist the trappings of knee-jerk negativism, intellectual fads, and political orthodoxy. Gitlin argues for a renewed sense of patriotism based on the ideals of sacrifice, (...)
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    Selected Speeches of Lysias - C. Carey: Lysias: Selected Speeches. Pp. xiii + 230. Cambridge University Press, 1989. £30. [REVIEW]S. C. Todd - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (2):310-311.
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    Policing Athens V. J. Hunter: Policing Athens. Social Control in the Attic Lawsuits, 420–320 b.c. Pp. xv+303; 3 plans/line drawings. Princeton: NJ, Princeton University Press, 1994. Cased. $29/£25. [REVIEW]S. C. Todd - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (01):89-91.
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    Enhancement of cognitive control by approach and avoidance motivational states.Adam C. Savine, Stefanie M. Beck, Bethany G. Edwards, Kimberly S. Chiew & Todd S. Braver - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (2):338-356.
    Affective variables have been shown to impact working memory and cognitive control. Theoretical arguments suggest that the functional impact of emotion on cognition might be mediated through shifting action dispositions related to changes in motivational orientation. The current study examined the effects of positive and negative affect on performance via direct manipulation of motivational state in tasks with high demands on cognitive control. Experiment 1 examined the effects of monetary reward on task-switching performance, while Experiment 2 examined the effects of (...)
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    Deontology and teleology: an investigation of the normative debate in Roman Catholic moral theology.Todd A. Salzman - 1995 - Leuven: Uitgeverij Peeters.
    The consideration of normative ethics and methodology is a relatively recent phenomena in Catholic moral theology. Similar to any nascent discussion, having adopted terms and concepts from one conceptual genre, Britisch-analytic philosophy, into a radically other genre, Catholic moral theology, one then needs to begin the work of clarifying how, and to what extent, those terms and concepts contribute to the overall project of moral theology as a science. As Pope John Paul II's encyclical Veritatis Splendor attests, this incorporation has (...)
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    Justification-affording arguments and corresponding conditionals.Todd Stewart - 2009 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 78 (1):251-263.
    Intuitions about arguments are an important source of evidence in epistemology. In this paper, I consider a principle defended recently: Necessarily, an argument P therefore C is justification-affording for subject S only if S justifiably believes that if P, then C. Cling presents an argument for . is important because its truth is inconsistent with many plausible epistemological theories, including standard reliabilism and even some forms of internalist foundationalism. I will argue that non-skeptical epistemologists should find Cling's argument unconvincing. Further, (...)
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    (1 other version)Adoption at Athens. [REVIEW]S. C. Todd - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (1):88-89.
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    An Historical Dictionary G. Speake: A Dictionary of Ancient History. Pp. x+758; 5 tables, 10 maps. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. Cased, £35. [REVIEW]S. C. Todd - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (01):149-150.
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    Subversive Oratory A. Missiou: The Subversive Oratory of Andokides. Politics, Ideology and Decision-Making in Democratic Athens. (Cambridge Classical Studies.) Pp. xi + 216. (Cambridge University Press, 1992.) £35. [REVIEW]S. C. Todd - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (01):20-22.
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  33. The Argument from Reason, and Mental Causal Drainage: A Reply to van Inwagen.Brandon Rickabaugh & Todd Buras - 2017 - Philosophia Christi 19 (2):381-399.
    According to Peter van Inwagen, C. S. Lewis failed in his attempt to undermine naturalism with his Argument from Reason. According to van Inwagen, Lewis provides no justification for his central premise, that naturalism is inconsistent with holding beliefs for reasons. What is worse, van Inwagen argues that the main premise in Lewis's argument from reason is false. We argue that it is not false. The defender of Lewis's argument can make use of the problem of mental causal drainage, a (...)
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    (S.) Johnstone Disputes and Democracy: the Consequence of Litigation in Ancient Athens. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1999. Pp. xiv+ 207.£ 26.95 (£ 12.95 pb). 0292728085 (0292728093 pb.). [REVIEW]S. C. Todd - 2001 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 121:196-197.
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    Beyond the Abortion Wars: A Way Forward for a New Generation by Charles C. Camosy. [REVIEW]Rebecca Todd Peters - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 36 (2):210-211.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Beyond the Abortion Wars: A Way Forward for a New Generation by Charles C. CamosyRebecca Todd PetersBeyond the Abortion Wars: A Way Forward for a New Generation Charles C. Camosy Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2015. 207Pp. $22.00As the title Beyond the Abortion Wars suggests, Camosy seeks a new way to address abortion in the United States that moves past the binary divisions of “pro-life” and “pro-choice.” Based (...)
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    Whose words are these? Statements derived from Facilitated Communication and Rapid Prompting Method undermine the credibility of Jaswal & Akhtar's social motivation hypotheses.Stuart Vyse, Bronwyn Hemsley, Russell Lang, Scott O. Lilienfeld, Mark P. Mostert, Henry D. Schlinger, Howard C. Shane, Mark Sherry & James T. Todd - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Jaswal & Akhtar provide several quotes ostensibly from people with autism but obtained via the discredited techniques of Facilitated Communication and the Rapid Prompting Method, and they do not acknowledge the use of these techniques. As a result, their argument is substantially less convincing than they assert, and the article lacks transparency.
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  37.  48
    Modulation of word-reading processes in task switching.Michael E. J. Masson, Daniel N. Bub, Todd S. Woodward & Jason C. K. Chan - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 132 (3):400.
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    Free spaces: identity, experience and democracy in classical Athens.P. Vidal-Naquet, M. I. Finley, D. Whitehead & S. C. Todd - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57:33-52.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Ronald E. Benson, Herold S. Stern, Richard T. Ryan, Cheryl G. Kasson, Douglas J. Simpson, David Slive, Joe L. Green, Todd Holder, Deno G. Thevaos, Karilee Watson, Cynthia Porter Gehrie, W. Ross Palmer, C. H. Edson, Linda Fystrom & Robert S. Griffin - 1980 - Educational Studies 11 (1):91-115.
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    S. Todd Lowry, The Archaeology of Economic Ideas: The Classical Greek Tradition (Durham, N.C., Duke University Press, 1988) xviii + 366, £51.30. ISBN 0-8223-0774-X. [REVIEW]S. Meikle - 1989 - Polis 8 (1):25-34.
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    Resurrection and reality in the thought of Wolfhart Pannenberg.C. Elizabeth A. Johnson - 1983 - Heythrop Journal 24 (1):1-18.
    Books Reviewed in this Article: Transforming Bible Study. By Walter Wink. Pp.175, London, SCM Press, 1981, £3.50. Isaiah 1–39. By R.E. Clements. Pp.xvi. 301, London, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1980, £3.95. Isaiah 40–66. By R.N. Whybray. Pp.301, London, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1975, Reprinted 1981, £3.95. Die Gestalt Jesu in den synoptischen Evangelien. By Heinrich Kahlefeld. Pp.264, Frankfurt, Verlag Josef Knecht, 1981, no price given. Following Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark. By Ernest Best. Pp.283, Sheffield, JSOT Press, 1981, (...)
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    Identifying words that emerge into consciousness: Effects of word valence and unconscious previewing.Simone C. Prioli & Todd A. Kahan - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 35:88-97.
  43. Right Forceps Minor and Anterior Thalamic Radiation Predict Executive Function Skills in Young Bilingual Adults.Ping C. Mamiya, Todd L. Richards & Patricia K. Kuhl - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Health Plan Disenrollment in a Choice-Based Medicaid Managed Care Program.Thomas C. Buchmueller, Todd Gilmer & Katherine Harris - 2004 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 41 (4):447-460.
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    Strength of Ventral Tegmental Area Connections With Left Caudate Nucleus Is Related to Conflict Monitoring.Ping C. Mamiya, Todd Richards, Neva M. Corrigan & Patricia K. Kuhl - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  46. Manipulation and mitigation.Andrew C. Khoury - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 168 (1):283-294.
    Manipulation arguments are commonly deployed to raise problems for compatibilist theories of responsibility. These arguments proceed by asking us to reflect on an agent who has been manipulated to perform some (typically bad) action but who still meets the compatibilist conditions of responsibility. The incompatibilist argues that it is intuitive that the agent in such a case is not responsible even though she met the compatibilist conditions. Thus, it is argued, the compatibilist has not provided conditions sufficient for responsibility. Patrick (...)
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    S. C. TODD, The Shape of Athenian Law (Oxford University Press, 1993), pp. xiii + 433, £45. ISBN 0 19 814894 1. [REVIEW]P. J. Rhodes - 1994 - Polis 13 (1-2):147-152.
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    S. C. Todd: Athens and Sparta . Pp. xi + 83, 21 figs. London: Bristol Classical Press, 1996. Paper, £7.95. ISBN: 1-85399-398-0. [REVIEW]Anton Powell - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (1):220-220.
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    The Athenian Legal System - S. C. Todd: The Shape of Athenian Law. Pp. xiii+433. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993. Cased, £45.Christopher Carey - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (1):86-87.
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    Moderate Reverberation Does Not Increase Subjective Fatigue, Subjective Listening Effort, or Behavioral Listening Effort in School-Aged Children.Erin M. Picou, Brianna Bean, Steven C. Marcrum, Todd A. Ricketts & Benjamin W. Y. Hornsby - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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